Our Services

Information Technology today is a rapidly changing industry.. get ahead of your competitors with JTM Infotech

Getting all of your IT needs in one place can significantly free up time within your business day, not to mention securing your valuable data.

JTM Infotech can help you decide the best strategy for your business. Some examples of our services are.

• New network installations, planning and management
• Wireless networking (building to building, site to site
• Remote access / Telecommuting
• Capacity upgrades
• I.T. Support for office moves / relocations
• File and printer sharing
• Internet connection sharing
• Web presence and email setup
• Domain registrations and hosting setup
• Ongoing support options
• Data backup solutions
• Anti Virus solutions
• Monthly maintenance plans
• Flexible support options (phone, remote control, onsite)

computer support central coast

Want to get your IT needs in order?

Drop us a line today for a free consultation!

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